"Li-Sa-X" An 8 Years Old Japanese Child Prodigy Guitarist (Unbelievable!!!)

Around 6 years back in 2009 , I found korean child prodigy artist Sungha Jung. I made a post about him here on Sangeet Chaopal and never thought that I would find such quality of rare talent again…But I was wrong, Today I felt completely blown away to see an 8 years amazingly talented, a child prodigy, a cute girl, "Li-Sa-X" who astonished me by her unbelievable guitar playing in such a young age!! My God!!! Nothing is left to say about such kind of incredible god gifted talents. Firstly See This Video: Li-sa-x shredding Racer X song "Scarified." The track originally appeared on Racer X's 1987 album, Second Heat , and was written by Gilbert and Scott Travis. Guthrie Govan "Fives" Cover When she was 7 year old: The Curse of Castle Dragon Cover: Recently She appeared on GuitarWorld.com when she covered Guthrie Govan's "Fives." Very soon she would be also very popular and star like Sungha Jung for sure!!! He...