"Shafqat Salamat Ali Khan" A Phenomenal Artist of Indian Classical, Ghazal and Sufi Music!!....A Great Musician!!

The Ali Khan family represents a 500 year lineage of musicians of the Shamcharasi Gharana, descendants of two famed court musicians to the artistically-devoted Akbar the Great: Chand Khan and Suraj Khan. Chand Khan used to sing morning ragas to this most famous Indian ruler of the Moghul Age of the India empire. Now Salamat a legendary vocalist throughout the Indian subcontinent, is joined by his two sons for these ragas of blessings, invocations, romantic and sad moods. Michos plays guitars, synthesizers, percussion and samples, with additional Santur, violin, piano, wind chimes, harmonium, and even Stephen Kent on didgeridoo and Alan Kushan on Santur. Ustad Salamat Ali Khan (Born in 1934 in the Hoshiarpur district of Punjab), father of an entire family of vocalist-musicians, performed (at the age of nine), with his brother Nazakat Ali Khan, as the famed Ali Brothers. They were internationally renowned as superstars in the 60's and 70's for their immense talent and art...